6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662

Ocular Migraines Explained + Where to Get Natural Relief


Let’s discuss the key things to know about ocular migraines and how a Vancouver, WA migraine doctor can help you find relief.


What Is an Ocular Migraine?

An ocular migraine is a neurological condition that causes momentary loss of vision in one eye. It often lasts for less than an hour. Some people have ocular migraines along with common migraines, but others experience ocular migraines alone without a headache. Ocular migraines are different from migraines with aura, which causes visual disturbances in both eyes.


Triggers of Ocular Migraines

Every patient has their personal triggers, which can be unique from the rest. However, here are some of the common triggers experienced by the majority. We advise keeping a migraine diary to record your particular triggers and to avoid them as much as possible. 

  • Loud noises
  • Strong scents 
  • Bright lights
  • Stressful situations
  • Changing weather
  • Artificial sweeteners 
  • Caffeine 
  • Alcohol 
  • MSG
  • Nitrates
  • Tyramine


How Common Are Ocular Migraines? 

Ocular migraines are quite rare as they occur in only about 1 in 200 people with migraines. Although uncommon, it is important to recognize it as a migraine, particularly if a headache does not occur. Some people have the idea that migraines should always involve severe headaches. But the truth is, there is a category of migraines called “silent migraines” that contains all of the migraine types that do not have a severe headache as a symptom.


Treatment for All Types of Migraines in Vancouver, WA

Migraines are often a result of three things: a malfunction in the brainstem, restricted blood flow to the brain, and improper cerebrospinal fluid drainage. All of these conditions can arise from a misalignment of the atlas (C1 vertebra) in the upper cervical spine.

Balanced Living specializes in the accurate measurement of atlas misalignments and correcting them through gentle adjustments. For many migraine sufferers, this specialization called upper cervical chiropractic care has resulted in a reduction in the frequency and severity of their symptoms, or even complete resolution of their migraines. Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about this unique and effective method.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-569-1740. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

We utilize a very precise system of analysis, based on physics and math, to calculate the precise pathway and corrective force necessary to bring your body back into alignment.

Contact Information

6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662
[email protected]

Office Hours

12:00 NN – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1200 NN – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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