6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662

The Physical and Financial Costs of Migraines


Migraines are a global problem affecting over 1 billion people. In the United States, 1 out of 10 people lives with migraines. Patients and Vancouver upper cervical chiropractors alike want to get rid of this neurological condition. Severe headaches due to migraines can seriously hinder a person’s social life, work performance, and time with family. 

Aside from the distressing impact on physical health, the financial costs of migraines is another burden for patients, their families, and the economy. People spend an astronomical amount of money on migraine treatments. Below are some statistics on the impact of migraines:

  • 4 million people deal with chronic, daily migraines
  • $50 billion is the annual cost of healthcare to treat chronic migraines
  • More than 113 million workdays are lost each year due to migraines (equivalent to $13 billion) 

The cost of migraines is staggering, and those who suffer from migraines feel the most impact. Some patients just want to have a day without an episode. Also, the anxiety and mental stress that comes with migraines can be as equally devastating as the episode itself.


Natural Method to Help with Migraines

The spine protects the spinal cord, while the atlas and axis vertebrae, which are the top two vertebrae in the spine, protect the brainstem. The brainstem facilitates the sending of signals between the brain and body. Therefore, the brainstem should be working at its best to ensure the proper function of the other parts of the body. If either the atlas or axis misaligns, the can endure stress that leads to the relaying of incorrect signals to the brain. 

Vancouver upper cervical chiropractors, specifically us here at Balanced Living in Vancouver, Washington, are trained to locate these misalignments and then use a gentle method to correct them. The technique we use does not involve popping or twisting of the neck or spine. Instead, low force is applied to realign the bones naturally, resulting in longer-lasting results. Correction of the misalignment can be the solution for the brainstem to return to its normal function. Call our office at 360-597-4784 or set an appointment with us to see an improvement or resolution of your migraines.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-569-1740. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

We utilize a very precise system of analysis, based on physics and math, to calculate the precise pathway and corrective force necessary to bring your body back into alignment.

Contact Information

6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662
[email protected]

Office Hours

12:00 NN – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1200 NN – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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