6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662

Vertigo—A Common Reason for Trips the Doctor and ER

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s, Meniere’s DiseaseVertigo has been reported as being one of the most common reasons that people go to the doctor. In fact, research reveals that over a 10-year period, about 2.5% of ER visits were due to this health condition. Those are shocking facts considering how many people will brush off troubles with vertigo for weeks or even months before seeking help. Obviously, this is a very common ailment.


Vertigo and Dizziness Increase Fall Risk

The medical director of the Balance Center in Seattle, Washington recently stated that fall risk increases 13 times when a person is experiencing dizziness. One patient of the Balance Center stated that she fell in the shower and hurt her knee thanks to the sudden onset of dizziness. Imagine what vertigo—the sensation that everything is spinning—could result in if it happened suddenly while someone was driving a car. Fortunately, the woman noted above had the sense to call for a ride home from work one day when she was so dizzy she realized driving would be dangerous.


Seeking Help for Vertigo in Vancouver, WA

At Balanced Living in Vancouver, Washington, we seek to help patients who are battling with vertigo by attacking a potential underlying cause. Many find that when their neck is properly aligned, vertigo symptoms lessen or go away entirely. As a result, we focus solely on detecting and correcting this specific type of misalignment in the C1 (atlas) vertebra.

The atlas protects the brainstem, and when it becomes misaligned, it can do just the opposite and interrupt proper brainstem function. Also, a misalignment can lead to interruption of the proper flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid to the brain. All of these factors can play a role in vertigo.

If you are experiencing problems with vertigo, especially if your patient history shows signs of neck or head trauma, we invite you to find out firsthand how upper cervical chiropractic can benefit you.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-569-1740. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

We utilize a very precise system of analysis, based on physics and math, to calculate the precise pathway and corrective force necessary to bring your body back into alignment.

Contact Information

6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662
[email protected]

Office Hours

12:00 NN – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1200 NN – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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