6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662

food cravings, migraine chiropractor based in Vancouver WA

Many of us get the occasional craving for a specific snack – a little chocolate, something salty, or perhaps a burst of sour candy. But what if those cravings aren't just random? If you experience headaches, especially migraines, unusual food cravings might be one of your body's earliest warning signs that an attack is on its way. Find out what you must do from your trusted migraine chiropractor based in Vancouver WA.


The Science Behind Cravings

While the connection between food cravings and headaches is still being studied, researchers have a few theories:

Brain Chemistry

The changes in brain activity that happen before a migraine may influence the areas responsible for reward and pleasure. This could lead to sudden, intense cravings for specific flavors or textures.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Some experts suggest that cravings for certain foods could be your body's way of signaling a nutritional imbalance that might contribute to migraines. For example, a magnesium deficiency is sometimes linked to migraines, leading to powerful chocolate cravings (which can be a decent source of magnesium).

Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormones play a significant role in migraines, especially for women. Changes in estrogen levels can trigger cravings, particularly for sweet or high-carbohydrate foods.


Common Cravings Among Migraine Patients in Vancouver, WA

Many patients seeking a migraine chiropractor based in Vancouver WA note several food cravings before their episodes hit. Here are some of the most frequently reported ones:


Should You Give in to the Cravings?

That depends. If your cravings point to a nutritional deficiency, addressing that dietary gap could potentially lessen the frequency or severity of your headaches. In other instances, while that chocolate bar might provide temporary satisfaction, it could also contribute to the headache later on.

What to Do

food cravings, migraine chiropractor based in Vancouver WA

Beyond Food Cravings: Seek a Migraine Chiropractor based in Vancouver WA

Food cravings before a headache are a fascinating and sometimes frustrating aspect of the migraine experience. While research is ongoing, it's clear that there's a connection. If unusual cravings are one of your migraine warning signs, paying attention to those signals could help you prepare for an attack and potentially even lessen its impact.

However, food cravings aren't the only unusual sign that a migraine may be coming. Many migraine sufferers also experience structural misalignments in their upper neck, known as an atlas subluxation. This misalignment can put pressure on the brainstem and interfere with the proper flow of blood and signals between the brain and the body. This disruption is a major potential trigger for migraines.

Dr. Joseph Perin, a Migraine Chiropractor based in Vancouver, WA, specializes in addressing this connection with atlas subluxation. His practice focuses on gentle, precise chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical spine, aiming to restore proper alignment and reduce the neurological stress that can contribute to migraines. You can learn more about his approach and the potential benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care by visiting our website.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

migraine relief in Vancouver, himalayan salt

Have you ever noticed a connection between certain foods and the onset of your migraines? Do you know which specific foods seem to trigger them? When a migraine is looming, do you crave or avoid certain types of food? Have you experimented with specific dietary changes to see if they impact the frequency or intensity of your migraines? Or did you not know that there are certain food additives or preservatives that can also trigger your migraine? 

Many patients who look for migraine relief in Vancouver, WA report triggers linked to food and diet. But did you know that some people use Himalayan salt to counter migraines? Yes, you read that right, salt, but not just any type of salt, something different from your regular table salt. Himalayan salt is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and other minerals.


The Salty Solution

If you experience migraines and have explored non-pharmaceutical relief options, you might have encountered information suggesting that consuming salt water made with Himalayan salt, sometimes with added lemon juice, can be beneficial for migraine relief.

This may be tied to a significant migraine trigger: dehydration. Himalayan salt is often promoted as a solution in salt water for alleviating headaches. Insufficient water intake, coupled with the likelihood that a migraine episode may lead to a loss of appetite and vomiting, can result in dehydration and a shortage of essential fluids and electrolytes, including sodium. 

For those who have experienced the need for emergency room intervention during a migraine attack, it's a familiar scenario: the initial step often involves the administration of intravenous (IV) fluids – a combination of water, salt, and glucose.


Consult with Dr. Perin for Lasting Migraine Relief in Vancouver, WA

Apart from dehydration and other dietary triggers, many patients are unaware that upper cervical misalignments contribute to migraines. These misalignments, often caused by accidents, injuries, or poor posture, can disrupt the upper cervical spine's balance and alignment. The best solution to restore proper alignment and balance to this area is NUCCA. If you need clarification on whether this method fits you, visit our office, and we will help assess your upper cervical spine.


migraine relief in Vancouver WA

Have you recently been involved in a motorcycle accident? What are your symptoms following the accident? Could your recent motorcycle crash be the reason behind your persistent headaches? As you sit there with a pounding headache, have you ever considered whether the motorbike accident you brushed off as minor could be the reason behind your escalating migraine struggles? Some patients who seek migraine relief in Vancouver, WA are surprised to learn about the connection between their motorcycle incident and their debilitating symptoms.

Living with migraines is challenging, and when a motorbike accident is thrown into the mix, it can feel like an uphill battle. However, it is not uncommon to discover the link between motorbike accidents and migraines might be found in an unexpected place: upper cervical spine alignment.


Understanding the Connection Between Motorbike Accidents and Migraines

Imagine your spine as a highway, transmitting crucial messages between your brain and body. Even a minor motorbike accident can disrupt this highway, causing misalignments, especially in the neck or Upper Cervical area. This resembles a traffic jam on your nerve highway, disrupting message flow and potentially increasing migraine episodes. Navigating life with intensified migraines isn't easy, but understanding the link between motorbike accidents, neck misalignment, and migraines is the first step toward managing your symptoms.


How Can An Upper Cervical Chiropractor Help with Migraine Relief in Vancouver, WA

Seeking relief from migraines after a motorbike accident may lead you to an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. Here's how they can help:

  1. Detailed Assessment

When you visit an Upper Cervical Chiropractor, the first step is a detailed history to understand your symptoms, their severity, and any precipitating factors, such as your recent accident.

  1. Physical Examination

The focus shifts to your upper cervical spine during the physical examination. Specialized techniques are used to detect misalignments disrupting your nervous system's communication. This process is gentle and non-invasive, tailored to understand your body's unique needs.

  1. Personalized Approach

Based on the assessment, a personalized care plan is designed to meet your needs. This may involve precise, controlled adjustments to correct misalignments, aiming to alleviate 'traffic jams' in your nervous system and potentially reducing the frequency and intensity of your migraines.

migraine relief in Vancouver WA

What to Expect When Seeking Upper Cervical Care for Migraine Relief In Vancouver, WA

Patience is key in this healing journey. While results take time, each step with your Upper Cervical Chiropractor moves you towards a life where migraines no longer dictate your daily routine. Regular follow-up appointments monitor progress, modifying the adjustments plan as necessary. If you are suffering from migraines following a motorcycle accident or any head trauma and want to know if this method is suitable for you, get your upper cervical spine assessed in our office today!


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

headache, NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

Have you ever been jolted awake by a headache in the middle of the night? If so, you're not alone. A lot of people seeking NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver experience nighttime headaches. And, like you, they’re not sure why they experience such a symptom. Let’s help you get to the bottom of nighttime headaches by looking into some common culprits behind these nocturnal nuisances and discussing how to find relief.

#1. The Midnight Menace: Hypnic Headache

Ever heard of the "alarm clock headache"? It's a rare kind, known as hypnic headache, often waking folks up between 1 and 3 a.m. Though more common in people over 50, it doesn't discriminate against age and tends to affect women more. Imagine a throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound, perhaps watery eyes or a blocked nose, and even nausea. And you might experience this more than once a night! Don't worry; there are treatments like bedtime caffeine or specific meds, but always check with your doctor first.

#2. Cluster Headache: The Unwelcome Visitor

Cluster headaches are like uninvited guests that show up with intense, stabbing pain, usually targeting one side of your head, often around the eye or temple. They come in groups (hence the name), and you might get them several times a day, each lasting a few hours. They often kick in after you've dozed off. Triggers can be anything from alcohol to strong smells. While there's no cure, remedies like oxygen therapy and certain nasal sprays or preventive meds can help.

#3. When Tension Headaches Takes Over at Night

Stress, muscle tightness, or just plain fatigue can bring on tension headaches. Picture a dull ache or a sensation like a tight band around your head. They can last a couple of hours, and you might feel muscle aches in your neck, shoulders, or back. Before hitting the hay, try some over-the-counter pain relief, a warm compress, or a relaxing bath.

#4. Migraines: The Sleep-Interrupting Culprit

Migraines can rudely wake you up and hang around painfully long. These headaches come with severe pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and sometimes even visual disturbances. Managing stress and maintaining a regular exercise regime, along with medication, can help keep migraines at bay.


Getting to the Root of the Problem 

Diagnosing the exact type of headache you're dealing with is key. Your doctor might suggest some tests like blood work or scans, especially if they suspect an underlying issue.

Frequent or severe nighttime headaches warrant a visit to the doctor. And if you're experiencing new headaches after 50 or have headaches accompanied by changes in personality or following an injury, don't hesitate to seek professional advice.

headache, NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

Ready for a Headache-Free Future? Explore NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

If nighttime headaches are keeping you up, it's time to take control. Consider booking an appointment with a doctor of NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver, Dr. Joseph Perin, who can help you understand and manage your headaches more effectively - especially if it’s connected to atlas subluxation. Dr. Perin's expertise in this area is unparalleled, and he's committed to helping you find the relief you deserve. 

Don't let another sleepless night pass by. Visit our website to book your appointment with Dr. Perin today so you can have your atlas and axis bones evaluated and realigned. Let's work together towards restful nights and headache-free days!


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

chocolate, migraine relief in Vancouver, WA

Are you a chocolate lover? Now that the holidays are here, do you choose to indulge and suffer from migraines later or refuse what you love? Do you find yourself hesitating before indulging in that piece of chocolate cake at parties, fearing the familiar onset of a pounding migraine shortly after? Do you get the disappointment of having to decline a friend's homemade chocolate cookies despite your intense love for them because you know it could lead to hours of debilitating pain? 

Have you ever secretly envied others enjoying rich, creamy chocolate desserts without care? At the same time, you have to carefully weigh the pleasure against the potential pain that might follow. Or do you find yourself avoiding certain social events or gatherings, especially during festive occasions, simply because you want to escape the temptation of chocolates that might trigger another excruciating headache? Do you know what to do to stop your attacks and find lasting migraine relief in Vancouver, WA?


The Relationship Between Chocolate and Migraines

Experts believe that compounds like caffeine and tyramine found in chocolate might trigger migraines. Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in varying amounts in chocolate, can lead to blood vessel changes in the brain, potentially triggering migraines in sensitive individuals. Additionally, tyramine, an amino acid in chocolate, is known to affect the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, possibly contributing to migraine attacks.

Furthermore, it's not just the presence of these compounds; the quantity matters, too. Dark chocolate generally contains higher levels of caffeine and tyramine than milk chocolate. This variation means that while some individuals might be able to enjoy a piece of milk chocolate without consequences, a bite of dark chocolate could set off a throbbing headache for others.

Additionally, the complexity of migraines means that triggers can vary from person to person. Some individuals might find relief by avoiding chocolate altogether, while others might be able to indulge occasionally without adverse effects.

chocolate, migraine relief in Vancouver, WA

Upper Cervical Care for Migraine Relief in Vancouver, WA

If you're still struggling with migraines during the holidays despite avoiding known triggers such as chocolates, an underlying condition might need to be addressed. Many people seeking migraine relief in Vancouver, WA found that their symptoms and episodes significantly lessened with Upper Cervical Care. 

Addressing upper cervical misalignments can help manage your condition effectively. Injuries, accidents, or repetitive physical stress in the area can set off a chain reaction affecting your entire spine. This misalignment might be the hidden trigger behind your migraines, aggravating the condition and impacting your daily life. But it can be corrected with the help of an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. You can book a visit to our office, and we will help identify if a misalignment is the culprit behind your debilitating episodes. 

With proper care, you might find that eventually, you can enjoy chocolate again without the fear of triggering a migraine, embracing the holiday season and its delightful treats with confidence and joy.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

migraine, NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

Is your child frequently in pain, with episodes that seem more severe than typical headaches? It's a distressing experience for any parent to witness. Understanding whether your child might be suffering from migraines is the first step towards providing them with the support and relief they need. Let’s unravel the signs, triggers, and effective solutions for pediatric migraines. We'll explore safe and non-invasive approaches, including a potential avenue for long-term relief through NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Together, we can help your child find comfort and enjoy their days without the burden of migraines.


Recognizing the Signs of Pediatric Migraines

Understanding migraines in children means observing the broader impact on their lives. These headaches can disrupt school, daily routines, and emotional well-being. Watch for recurring headaches accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and stomachaches. Changes in behavior, such as irritability or withdrawal, may also point to migraines. Additionally, difficulty concentrating is a significant indicator. Recognizing these signs empower you to take proactive steps toward effective relief for their child's migraines.


Identifying Potential Triggers of Migraines in Kids

Uncovering potential triggers for pediatric migraines is a crucial part of ensuring your child's well-being. Migraines in children are more common than one might realize, emphasizing the need for early detection. Stress, whether it's related to school or family dynamics, can be a significant instigator. 

Equipping your child with healthy stress-coping mechanisms is essential. Additionally, monitoring their diet is key. Certain foods, especially those with artificial additives or high caffeine content, can be migraine culprits. Environmental factors like strong scents or shifts in weather can also contribute. By identifying these triggers, parents can proactively manage their child's migraines, potentially finding relief in natural approaches like NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver.


Creating a Migraine-Friendly Environment

Pediatric migraines are more common than many parents realize, underscoring the need for early detection. Recognizing the signs and potential triggers is crucial in providing relief for your child. One significant aspect is creating a migraine-friendly environment both at home and in school. Here are some helpful tips for parents: 

migraine, NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

Exploring NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver, WA for Your Child

Is your child struggling with migraines? Consider exploring NUCCA Chiropractic for a safe and effective approach to relief. Dr. Perin of Balanced Living Chiropractic in Vancouver, WA specialize in NUCCA, offering a holistic solution for pediatric migraines. By addressing misalignments in the Upper Cervical spine, this gentle and precise technique can alleviate the underlying issues contributing to migraines. 

With a personalized approach, your child can experience natural relief, allowing them to thrive without the burden of migraines. If you're ready to help your child find lasting relief from migraines, book an appointment with Dr. Perin and his trusted team at Balanced Living Chiropractic. They're committed to providing top-notch NUCCA Chiropractic care in Vancouver, supporting your child's journey towards a pain-free life.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

We utilize a very precise system of analysis, based on physics and math, to calculate the precise pathway and corrective force necessary to bring your body back into alignment.

Contact Information

6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662
[email protected]

Office Hours

12:00 NN – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1200 NN – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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