6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662

sleep, vertigo relief in Vancouver WA

Have you ever pulled an all-nighter and then spent the next day feeling as though the world is constantly spinning? It's not just your exhausted mind playing tricks on you. There's a real connection between feeling dizzy, off-balance, and a lack of sleep. As an Upper Cervical Chiropractor, Dr Perin often reminds his patients about the connection between the two health concerns.

When we think about sleep, we picture peaceful rest and rejuvenation, but your brain and body actually use those hours for critical maintenance. Everything from cognitive function to physical coordination depends on consistent, good-quality sleep. When you're missing out on precious shut-eye, your sense of balance, along with countless other processes, begins to falter. 

Find out how you can get enough sleep at night and achieve lasting vertigo relief in Vancouver WA as you read our latest discussion on Upper Cervical Care.


What is Vertigo and How Can Sleep Affect It?

Vertigo isn't just a lightheaded feeling; it's the disorienting sensation that you or the environment is moving even when everything is still. Sleep deprivation can trigger or worsen existing bouts of vertigo. Your inner ear, a key player in balance, relies on a complex system of tiny hairs and crystals.  Without  adequate rest, your brain struggles to process information from your senses, throwing your entire equilibrium off-kilter.


The Hidden Factor: Atlas Subluxation

We at Balanced Living Chiropractic Center often see patients struggling with both sleep disturbances and vertigo, unaware that a hidden problem might be to blame - a neck misalignment. 

As we often explain, atlas subluxation is a misalignment of the top vertebra in your neck, the atlas. This misalignment puts pressure on your brainstem, impacting the communication pathways between your brain and body. It can lead to difficulty sleeping and  issues with balance and coordination.

sleep, vertigo relief in Vancouver WA

NUCCA Can Make a Difference for People Seeking Vertigo Relief in Vancouver Wa

If you're ready to break the frustrating cycle of sleepless nights and dizzy spells, there's hope. As a NUCCA doctor, Dr. Perin helps correct atlas subluxation with gentle NUCCA adjustments. Guided by the precise measurements obtained during the initial examination, he can apply precise chiropractic adjustments to the atlas bone that will help restore the alignment of the cervical spine. 

This will help ease the pressure off the nervous system, which ultimately will help you improve both sleep quality and manage troubling sensations of vertigo. Don't let sleep deprivation and dizziness control your life. If you live in or around Vancouver, WA or think that your vertigo and sleeping problems might have something to do with misalignment in the neck, we encourage you to book an appointment with Dr. Joseph Perin

With our detailed consultation and examination, you can determine whether this technique might apply to your situation and understand how NUCCA care can help you achieve lasting vertigo relief in Vancouver WA.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

teeth grinding, vertigo relief in Vancouver

Have you ever experienced that terrifying moment when the world starts spinning around you, leaving you feeling helpless and disoriented? Can you relate to the feeling of anxiety that creeps in every time you have to navigate stairs or busy crowds, knowing that a sudden bout of vertigo could strike at any moment? Have you ever considered the possibility that your teeth grinding, a seemingly unrelated issue, could exacerbate your vertigo symptoms, adding another layer of frustration to your quest for relief? Do you experience the frustration of visiting countless doctors, trying various medications, and undergoing numerous tests, only to be met with vague diagnoses and temporary solutions that fail to provide lasting vertigo relief in Vancouver?


Understanding the Link: Stress, Bruxism, and Vertigo

Imagine this: you're stressed, whether it's due to work deadlines, family pressures, or just the general hustle and bustle of life. You find yourself clenching your jaw, perhaps even grinding your teeth at night without realizing it. This phenomenon, known as bruxism, affects up to 70% of teeth grinders and is often a stress response. But what does this have to do with vertigo?

The muscles, joints, and nerves involved in bruxism are intricately connected to your inner ear, which is vital in maintaining balance. When stressed and clenching your jaw, this shared network can become compromised, potentially leading to vertigo symptoms. It's like a domino effect: stress leads to teeth grinding, affecting the inner ear, ultimately resulting in vertigo.


The Quest for Natural Vertigo Relief in Vancouver

Now that you understand the connection, how can we find relief? One crucial step is addressing the underlying stress that fuels both bruxism and vertigo. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

  1. Embrace Stress Management

Take time for yourself to relax and unwind. Whether through meditation, leisure time in nature, or hobbies, finding calm moments can significantly reduce stress levels.

  1. Talk Therapy

Sometimes, the best way to alleviate stress is by expressing and sharing your feelings with a trusted friend, therapist, or loved one. Talking things out can provide perspective and support, helping you navigate life's challenges more effectively.

  1. Regular Exercise

Physical activity is not only great for your overall health but also a powerful stress reliever. Whether going for a walk, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym, look for activities you enjoy and make them part of your routine.

teeth grinding,

  1. Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

In addition to stress management, another promising avenue for vertigo relief, particularly for cases linked to bruxism, is upper cervical chiropractic care. This precise approach focuses on correcting misalignments in the upper cervical spine, which can alleviate pressure on the inner ear and jaw nerves.

By addressing the root cause of your discomfort, rather than merely masking symptoms, this approach offers a natural and potentially long-lasting solution for vertigo sufferers. Those who endured accidents, injuries, or repetitive physical stress in the neck or head area are prone to misalignments, and the best approach is getting them corrected by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. 

You can explore this method to supplement your stress management efforts for optimum benefits. Get your spine alignment checked today to know if this method suits you.

By prioritizing stress management and exploring holistic approaches like Upper Cervical Chiropractic care, you can take proactive steps toward reclaiming your sense of balance and well-being.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

dizziness, vertigo relief in Vancouver

How do you manage everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, or commuting when dealing with persistent dizziness? Do you often experience symptoms significantly impacting your ability to complete a routine task? Have you ever found it difficult to explain your condition to friends or family who may not fully understand what you're going through? What strategies do you use to cope with social situations or gatherings where dizziness might become overwhelming? Have you experimented with various methods for vertigo relief in Vancouver, and what has been the most effective for you?

Feeling lightheaded and unsteady can be disorienting and may also feel dangerous when posed with safety hazards like a slippery floor. So why does it happen? It's common to have many questions as you wonder how to cope better. Keep reading to learn the five facts about persistent postural perceptual dizziness or PPPD.

Fact #1: They can bring significant disruptions in your life

Prepare for episodes of persistent dizziness lasting from 24 hours to several days. Alongside dizziness, brace yourself for sensations like floating, non-spinning vertigo attacks and a constant fear of losing balance with every move.

Fact #2: Mood Matters

Beyond vestibular issues, PPPD can be triggered by emotional illnesses. The brain becomes hypersensitive during episodes, instilling the fear of slipping or falling with each occurrence.

Fact #3: Underlying Triggers

PPPD can stem from various factors, including vestibular disorders, head or neck trauma history, or migraines. Unraveling the root cause is crucial for effective management.

Fact #4: Elusive Diagnosis

Diagnosing vestibular disorders, especially PPPD, is no easy feat. Many sufferers hesitate to address symptoms, leading to delayed diagnoses that may take up to three months or more.

dizziness, vertigo relief in Vancouver

Fact #5: Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Provides Vertigo Relief in Vancouver

Discover a potential solution for your discomfort: Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. By correcting structural issues in the upper cervical bones (C1 and C2), this method aims to alleviate PPPD symptoms, especially for those with neck and head injuries triggering misalignments.

Some patients who previously suffered from neck and head injuries are also suffering from neck bone misalignments. This misalignment can then trigger a chain of problems ranging from irritation and stress of the brainstem to the onset of terrible health issues, including vertigo attacks and even PPPD. So, make sure you get your Upper Cervical alignment checked in our office to know if this method is the best approach for your needs.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

vertigo relief in Vancouver, WA, brainstem

Have you ever missed out on simple pleasures, like a carefree stroll in the park, because a vertigo episode always seems to lurk around the corner? Does the thought of boarding a plane or climbing a staircase send shivers down your spine, fearing the onset of vertigo at the most inconvenient times? How do you deal with dizziness and the world spinning around you even if you're standing still? Do you know what triggers your vertigo? And do you know where to go for lasting vertigo relief in Vancouver, WA? Are you familiar with the connection between vertigo and the brainstem? 

Vertigo comes in two primary forms – peripheral and central. The former, affecting a vast majority of individuals, is linked to issues within the vestibular system, triggered by disorders like Meniere's, BPPV, and inner ear infections. On the other hand, central vertigo, less common but equally impactful, often arises from brainstem lesions, affecting those with pre-existing central nervous system problems or experiencing trauma, tumors, multiple sclerosis, or infections.


Alleviating Brainstem Pressure to Ease Vertigo

If you're grappling with frequent and severe vertigo attacks, there's a chance that your upper cervical bones are playing a role in the chaos, putting undue pressure and stress on your brainstem. Seeking the help of an Upper Cervical Chiropractor for vertigo involves a simple yet effective process. Carefully examining and imaging a customized care plan can restore your upper cervical spine's proper balance and alignment. This natural method can help bring promising results to relieve your vertigo symptoms and ensures that the adjustments hold for the long term.

vertigo relief in Vancouver, WA, brainstem

Upper Cervical Care May Be Your Key to Long-term Vertigo Relief in Vancouver, WA

Think of your brainstem as your body's mission control center. It's the crucial part overseeing functions like breathing, heart rate, and your body's balance. This part is like the traffic cop for signals traveling between your brain and the parts of your body that control movement and equilibrium.

Now, when there's a hiccup in this control center – it could be due to misalignment in your upper neck bones or other issues – it starts playing tricks on your balance. Imagine it as a glitch in the system, causing mixed signals to be sent out. These mixed signals can lead to the unsettling sensation of vertigo, making you feel like you're on a spinning amusement park ride, even when you're just trying to stand still. So, in short, a happy, well-functioning brainstem equals smooth sailing, but any disruptions can result in a vertigo rollercoaster.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care is necessary to help ease your vertigo woes linked to postural problems or atlas subluxation. It’s also a must-try technique if you have a history of neck or head injuries or notice significant changes to your posture (uneven gait and unlevelled shoulders and hips).

By correcting these misalignments, Upper Cervical Chiropractors can help restore the natural flow of signals, providing relief for those seeking vertigo relief in Vancouver. If you've been experiencing vertigo episodes with no relief in sight, you can book a visit to our office, and we can help identify if brainstem issues are linked to your episodes. From here, we will work with you to find a solution tailored to your needs.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

smoking, vertigo relief in Vancouver, WA

Do you often experience vertigo or unsteadiness in your feet as if you're going to fall? Do you ever get dizzy or lightheaded when you get up from sitting or lying down? Do you know what's causing this symptom? Are you a smoker? Do you ever have to hold onto something to steady yourself after your cigarette break? Are you looking for ways to manage your dizzy spells and improve your balance so that you can live a more normal life? 

Many patients who seek vertigo relief in Vancouver, WA are surprised to know that their bad smoking habits are linked to the unsteadiness and dizzy spells they feel. Smoking damages the delicate structures in your inner ear, which are responsible for maintaining balance. As a result, you may experience dizziness, nausea, and lightheadedness.


How Smoking Affects Your Balance

Smoking can damage the vestibular system, a group of structures in the inner ear that help you maintain balance. These structures include:

  1. The semicircular canals: These are fluid-filled tubes that detect motion and rotation.
  2. The utricle and saccule: These are sacs that detect gravity and acceleration.
  3. The vestibular nerve: This nerve sends signals from the vestibular system to the brain.

Smoking can damage these delicate structures, increasing risk for problems, including:

  1. Peripheral vestibular disorder - This condition affects your inner ear and causes dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance.
  2. Meniere's disease - This condition usually affects the inner ear and triggers vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
  3. Vestibular neuritis - This condition is due to an inflammation of your vestibular nerve that can cause vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.


The Impact of Smoking on Balance and Coordination

Smoking can have a significant impact on balance and coordination. If you smoke, you may find it difficult to walk, stand up straight, or perform other activities that require balance and coordination. In addition to the damage it does to the vestibular system, smoking can also lead to other conditions that can affect balance and coordination, such as:

  1. Atherosclerosis: This is a narrowing of the arteries that can reduce your blood flow to the brain, leading to dizziness and vertigo.
  2.  Diabetes: This condition can damage nerves, leading to balance problems.
  3. Spinal problems: Smoking can weaken the bones and muscles in your spine, which can lead to misalignment and pain. These misalignments can affect balance and coordination.

smoking, vertigo relief in Vancouver, WA

Finding Lasting Vertigo Relief in Vancouver, WA

Finding the cause of your vertigo can lead you to get proper care and finally relief. Besides curbing your smoking habits and opting for a healthier lifestyle, one of the most sought after ways patients explore is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. This refers to chiropractic adjustments on the upper cervical area that realign the spine and improve nerve function, which can help reduce dizziness and vertigo. If you are still experiencing vertigo even after numerous attempts to find relief, there might be a misalignment in your upper cervical area that needs to be corrected. These are usually a result of accidents, injuries, or repetitive stress. Book a visit to our office to get your upper cervical spine checked.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

vertigo, travel, NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

Are you one of those adventurers who eagerly explore the world, only to be met with an unwelcome companion on your journeys—vertigo? If post-travel dizziness has become an all-too-familiar part of your adventures, you're not alone. Many globe-trotters experience vertigo after traveling, leaving them wondering, "Is this normal, or is something more sinister at play?" In this article, we'll embark on a journey of our own to uncover the mysteries behind post-travel vertigo. 

From jet lag to motion sickness and even stress, various factors can contribute to this disorienting sensation. But fear not, as we'll also delve into potential solutions and preventive measures. Including that of NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver, WA that might not be the first thing that comes to mind when addressing travel-related vertigo, but a great option worth exploring. 

So, if you've been spinning with questions about post-travel vertigo, fasten your seatbelt as we navigate the why's and how's together. Let's embark on this informative journey and ensure your travels are filled with breathtaking views, not dizzying spins.


Unraveling the Vertigo-Travel Connection

Traveling is an exhilarating experience, opening doors to new cultures, foods, and adventures. Yet, for some, there's an unexpected companion that tags along on their journeys – vertigo. Post-travel vertigo, often dismissed as a minor inconvenience, is an intriguing phenomenon with a scientific explanation that deserves our attention. So, let’s delve into the science.

This perplexing phenomenon is rooted in the delicate balance and mechanisms of our inner ear. When we travel, especially by air or to high altitudes, rapid changes in atmospheric pressure can disrupt this equilibrium. This disruption sends mixed signals to our brain, leading to dizziness and a sensation of spinning. 

Dehydration, often exacerbated by limited water access during travel, also compounds the problem by affecting blood pressure and fluid levels in the inner ear. Additionally, altered sleep patterns due to jet lag further unsettle our body's internal clock. Together, these factors contribute to the disorienting experience of post-travel vertigo.

But what are the specific triggers? Well, it can be the rush to catch a connecting flight, turbulence during a plane ride, or even the constant change in scenery during a road trip.

vertigo, travel, NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver

Coping from Travel-induced Vertigo with NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver, WA

If you are often finding yourself grappling with the dizzying, spinning sensation of vertigo that throws your world off-kilter, perhaps it’s time to consider NUCCA Chiropractic in Vancouver WA as your main form of vertigo management and symptoms relief. This specialized branch of chiropractic care focuses on the alignment of the upper neck, which if misaligned due to travel-related stressors, can wreak havoc on your equilibrium, triggering vertigo.

Dr. Perin of Balanced Living Chiropractic in Vancouver is your go-to expert in this field. He understands the science behind NUCCA and has successfully helped countless individuals regain their balance and conquer vertigo. Ready to take the plunge and find relief from post-travel vertigo? Don't hesitate to book an appointment with Dr. Perin and let NUCCA Chiropractic be your ticket to a vertigo-free world of adventure.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin, call our Vancouver office at 360-597-4784. You can also click the button below.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Joe Perin

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

We utilize a very precise system of analysis, based on physics and math, to calculate the precise pathway and corrective force necessary to bring your body back into alignment.

Contact Information

6405 NE 116th Ave. Suite 106 
Vancouver, WA 98662
[email protected]

Office Hours

12:00 NN – 6:00 PM
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
1200 NN – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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